Fancy Applications
Packages default included in KDE Plasma won’t list here.
‘🗸’ means I am using for now in my computer.
- neovim
- firejail
- tmux
- fzf
- fd
- ripgrep
- the_silver_searcher
- earlyoom
out of memory handle
Proxy or VPN
- cgproxy
- proxychains-ng
- Qv2ray, v2ray
- gost
- wireguard
Video downloader
- You-Get
- youtube-dl
- anni
- oh-my-zsh
- Terminator
- yakuake
- Catfish
Versatile file searching tool
- KSystemLog
- GParted
Partition Editor
- Latte Dock
- VirtualBox
- Vmware
- fcitx-rime
- KeePassXC
- thunderbird
- Transmission
BitTorrent Client
- FileZilla
FTP client
- Samba
- Syncthing
continuous file synchronization program
- Typora
- Texstudio
- LyX
- KLatexFormula
- Mathpix Snipping Tool
office suite
- Jabref
bibtex tool,improved by myself
- drawio-desktop
- IntelliJ IDEA
- PyCharm
- Sublime Text
- Visual Studio Code
- delta
A syntax-highlighter for git and diff output
- GitKraken
Git Client
- SmartGit
Git Client
Multi media
- spotify
- 网易云音乐
- mpv
- Gimp
- Kolourpaint
Streaming/Recording Software
- kdenlive
video editor
- Peek
Animated GIF recorder
- Spectacle
Screenshot Capture Utility
Command line tool
- neofetch
- ncdu
Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
- ss
dump socket statistics, in iproute2
- glances
- socat
- nmap
- lrzsz
- vnstat
console-based network traffic monitor
- nethogs
Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process
- Korganizer
- KCharSelect
- pamac
Pamac is a Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support
- yay
Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go.
Web Server
- apache
- caddy 2
open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go
- crow-translator
- chezmoi
dotfile manage and sync
Projects Impressed
webhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands
- FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.
- jumpserver 开源堡垒机